tirsdag den 23. oktober 2018

Remove client from OSD collection


You use required deployments on your OSD task sequence with a "always rerun" option. You like to remove that client from OSD collection as soon it has finished deploying successfully.


Go to technet and download this script.

Edit the script and change the values:

Save the script and copy it to the SCCM primary server.

Open the Configuration Manager Console
Go to
\Administration\Overview\Site Configuration\Sites

1.       Give it a name: Remove from OSD collections where TS "bla bla" are deployed.
2.       Tick Source
3.       Choose Client
4.       Tick Message ID
5.       Insert 11143 which is the message ID for a successful finalized task sequence.
6.       Click on Actions pane.

1.       Tick Run a program
2.       Insert 

C:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe <scriptpath>\RemoveFromOsdCollectionV3.0.vbs PRI00023 %msgsys
(where PRI00023 is the package ID of the task sequence)
3.       Click OK

Logging looks like this:

Now the client will be removed from any collection where that task sequence are deployed.

Thanks to Max and Holger who contributed to the script.

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